The School of Healthy Consciousness


By providing people with the proper resources, we enable our students to regain vitality and cultivate a lifestyle that lays the foundation for an exceptional human experience ultimately resulting in optimal health. 

Resources for every stage of the journey

Our Masterclass 

By setting out on a path of introspection, you will be guided on creating your own conscious roadmap towards the life you desire. Through intentional themed modules, and actionable steps, you will learn how to tap into your own guiding intuition and return to a natural state of being. The SHC coursework is a journey back to your home within.


Take the course
1-on-1 coaching

Dive deep into your development with personalized guidance. Get unstuck from your destructive patterns of the past so you can begin to let your true self emerge and learn to be fully present. Having extra support and accountability will enable you to reclaim the health and vibrancy that has been yours all along.

Schedule a 1-on-1
Private Yoga 

Want to take your yoga practice to the next level? Scheduling a one-on-one private is a sure way to fine-tune your asanas and get the individualized attention you deserve. Enjoy a class choreographed specifically to your needs, elevating your practice both physically and spiritually.

Book now

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